Silver boats at Interboot from September 21 to 29!


The South Germany's greatest boat show Interboot in Friedrichshafen starts on the 21st of September and lasts until the 29th. Around 500 exhibitors will gather to the lake Constance to present their products, trends and innovations. At Interboot the show isn't only about the boats, visitors get to test a big variety of different boats and water sports at the lake Constance. 

You'll find Silver anf Terhi boats at Interboot at following stands

Hall A4 Stand 304:

Tiger DC - Best of Boats finalist

Hawk BR

Terhi 475 BR

Terhi 450 CC

Terhi 400


In the water for testing:

Tiger BR - Best of Boats finalist

Hawk BR

Eagle BRX 


In Hall B3 Stand 301:

Eagle BR

Shark BR

Hawk BR

We warmly welcome you to the INTERBOOT September 21-29. More information can be found on the  Interboot website, where you can also buy your ticket in advance.'

Silver Tiger BoB 2019 A4

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